mercredi, mai 24, 2006

5. To the english spoken world.

When I write this site (and the others which are on the same profile, I have some difficulties to tip on my computer a letter which is currently in the french language. I must tip it several times till I can get it clear :
-It is an ending of plural. Particular the word aux which is an article of plural appears often in the french language.
- It appears also often in words that I must employ very often in my scientific articles or my information articles :
- In my information articles about the agregation : externe is one of the two tipes of this competition of high level to become teacher or professor in french. I employ this word often in my site about the agregation.
- Here in this linguistics page appear often the words contexte (this word means all the not-spoken about a situation about the speaker talk in the conversation or a writer writes). I must try always three times to write it to not obtain the word contete which does not eist (it fails also a letter in this last word but I do not insist to write it).
- It appears also often the word extérieur which means on the outside.
So, if you don't want to be the victim of the word-verification, write in english, the world language, if you write in french (or german?) you shall be the victim of the word-verification.
We understand now why the classes of german in France loose their pupils and why the classes of french in Germany loose this pupils : it shall be soon impossible to write on the web with these languages. And, we, french teachers of german, we are fighting to get more pupils in german curses. We must work in several french-german associations to get pupils in the german curses of the primary schools.
Another possiblility is the person which has desable (from the far) some letters of the key-board of my computer (it is almost a new one) is laughing about me and what I write and my work. I have a good anti-intrusion system on my computer.
Letters of what I'm writing are also changing : Is this a virus? I have also a good up-to-date anti-virus.

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